Sunday, April 10, 2011

Luxurious life

Now that our youngest one has passed all stages of her infancy, I feel like life has become luxurious. Since I did not waste any occasion in the last several years to complain about how hard everything is, I think I owe it to my luxurious life to say thank you at least once. So here it goes - Thank you!
1> I now know that taking bath once per day is not a miracle. I still get haunted by voices calling me and sound of loud banging on the door, but singing always helps.
2> I now recognize Datta as a person whom I met in my early 20s. No, he is not a helper God sent for me when the whole diaper changing marathon began back in 2006.
3> I have 2 hands all for myself (most of the times)..
4> Chairs can be used for sitting. And yes, sitting is so much more pampering than I ever thought it would be.
5> Food tastes way better when eaten from a plate.
6> If you leave a voicemail for me, I guarantee that your call with be returned in no later than 10 business days. When I call, at least 10 words per minute will be audible for a human ear.
7> I almost certainly come to know by the end of the day when I am wearing a pair of socks that do not match.
8> I know now that there are friends around me who do not go by the names like "nebulizer", "nasal spray" and "thermometer" and thank God they speak human.

So, this is to you my luxurious life..Cheers!
PS: God, my loving daughter has whole heartedly taken it upon herself to host "The late night show with Jay Dixit" after he decided to step down. May I puh-leeez get a break?

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations for coming out of infancy...I wish Nina a very happy birthday...
    Now 2nd level has started... So don't be relaxed... It's like a video game, it becomes tougher and tougher by each stage...
