Saturday, April 30, 2011


He lets go and she makes a big deal..
He is a goofball and she takes it way too seriously..
He does very less talking..she does a lot in given time when time comes..
He drives so well and she is bad at even giving directions..
She says this is not working because you did/did not............and he says well, what can we do about it now?
She loves to argue and he thinks it is waste of time, but never tells her that..
She hates winter and snow and he says are you kidding? it looks beautiful out there..
He is never on time and she is never on time (because of him)..
He takes a big pause before he writes her birth day and month on any paper....and oddly enough she thinks it's funny..
He is simple, and she is..well..
He is easy to figure out and don't even get me started about her..
He really is from mars and she cannot figure out where is she from..

12 years and 2 kids later, they are still still-the-ones..
So, this is for you, Datta..Cheers to 12 years of friendship..and look forward to many more..

Friday, April 22, 2011


It's been a while we since broke up..I can talk about it now..

I still remember the last time we met. It was a sad and gloomy day. We knew for days in advance that we will part our ways, but there was still some hope until the very last minute. We were both sad and broken and could not utter a word to each other. We looked at each other with that familiar precious look..We had no hopes or expectations from each other..We knew we will cross paths again..when and in what condition is never known..

In so many ways we are so meant to be together but we have been on and off a number of times. So much was being offered to me, but I don't know what I want. I can be my own childish self again when we are together, but I have things to take care of..I am pampered and loved, but of course all that cannot be true..can life be this beautiful and interesting all the time? That is not real..i run away from it..We both know this..this is what I do..We have been there and done that..

We held hands, we hugged, we cried and we parted our ways..I felt like I was freezing..I wanted to run away from this moment of parting..For some time I did not understand why people were smiling, I did not understand why they were eating, I did not understand how they can sleep so well ..I did not know what was I doing on my own..But I made it through this far..again..

It's been a while since we broke up..with India that is..I can talk about it now..

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Luxurious life

Now that our youngest one has passed all stages of her infancy, I feel like life has become luxurious. Since I did not waste any occasion in the last several years to complain about how hard everything is, I think I owe it to my luxurious life to say thank you at least once. So here it goes - Thank you!
1> I now know that taking bath once per day is not a miracle. I still get haunted by voices calling me and sound of loud banging on the door, but singing always helps.
2> I now recognize Datta as a person whom I met in my early 20s. No, he is not a helper God sent for me when the whole diaper changing marathon began back in 2006.
3> I have 2 hands all for myself (most of the times)..
4> Chairs can be used for sitting. And yes, sitting is so much more pampering than I ever thought it would be.
5> Food tastes way better when eaten from a plate.
6> If you leave a voicemail for me, I guarantee that your call with be returned in no later than 10 business days. When I call, at least 10 words per minute will be audible for a human ear.
7> I almost certainly come to know by the end of the day when I am wearing a pair of socks that do not match.
8> I know now that there are friends around me who do not go by the names like "nebulizer", "nasal spray" and "thermometer" and thank God they speak human.

So, this is to you my luxurious life..Cheers!
PS: God, my loving daughter has whole heartedly taken it upon herself to host "The late night show with Jay Dixit" after he decided to step down. May I puh-leeez get a break?