Behold...I am about to turn 40. I have almost made it..I
have been pondering on how to venture all "Sangeeta Style" into this
very especial year of my life ..and boy have to admit Sangeeta Style is
confusing. So then I took a deep deep deep breath and thought about something
From now until my birthday, I am going to do 40 things for
others. 40 things that involve someone else's benefit. 40 little/medium/big
acts of selflessness..40 things to inspire the human being inside me. 40 things
that have nothing to do with me. Then I stopped..this is not true. Everything I
do or will do will give me something in return. It will help me find myself in
return. The part of me which may be I lost while growing up each year of my
life. 40 things will teach me hundreds of things I used to have as a baby and
how I gave up on those things when I grow up to be this Sangeeta I am..
The big big big issue is I do not know those 40 things. The
awesome awesome awesome issue is I do not know those 40 things. I know I need
to start small and I need to keep my eyes and heart open. I am certainly not
expecting you to expect big things from me. It could be just a simple act of
opening a door for a mom carrying a kid and a heavy stroller or asking a
co-worker how he or she is and really LISTENING. Small is Big - for me. Small
is good - for me. Small is everything I am looking for. Small counts when I do it purposely and wholeheartedly...
So I am asking your help my virtual friends. Close your eyes
and pray for me that when Sangeeta starts her day she has a burning desire to
find a cause and when she sleeps she has a smile - well - on most days..
If Sangeeta has what it takes, Sangeeta will come back to
her blog and blog her journey. small step at a time..slow and