Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sangeeta Factor

J and N,

We all have "our" factor in ourselves..i believe in’s what makes you who loves something. you who hates something. you who is scared of who lives on something..that’s our factor..A huge part of our day we think about this..we think what our factor asks us to think..then we think what we are supposed to think..sometimes it matches and sometimes it does not..when it does not, it is a huge vs. you. anything you do, you lose. anything you do, you win. strange situation, right? when it matches, nothing like it. Life suddenly makes sense. Mundane things feel interesting. winter feels like summer..
Sometimes this factor suddenly leaves see it going away and there is nothing you can do but mourn the loss of it..while walking on the streets, you see your factor walking in some other direction..and suddenly you scream "hey, you, come back here..what were you thinking of when you left me? please don't ever do it again"...but "you" does not it has it's own goes and you drift seems boring..meaningless...empty..
and thats when my friend, you need a very very positive diversion..i say positive because thats the only way to get yourself back..because believe it or not, you are precious..your "you" factor is all you have to do is put one foot in front of other and breathe..don't worry..your "you" factor needs you..its going to come back soon and then the world will make sense again ..for a few seconds atleast..hang in there..

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Thanks J J for this...

Mom: I need to do this dance class for myself
N: can not leave me and go to this class..
J: She needs to go she can be very famous..
Mom: No no..I can't be famous ...
J: Why not? Don't say that.. you are already so famous..
Mom: I am?
J: Yes, for are so famous..
N: yes, yes, you are...


Friday, April 12, 2013


J and N
you need to remember your mom was a highly spiritual person who did not understand the meaning or purpose of religion. Not that she tried really hard. Somehow she found solace in knowing that she is one of those people who do not need to understand what religion meant in the real world. I say real world because I happen to believe I do not live in it most of the will know when you get to my age..maybe..
Your mom also loved giving new meaning to old things and how can she miss this religion is not Hindu. My religion is to love against all odds..My religion is to love when it is the most difficult thing to do religion is to help when I do not feel like helping at religion is to believe that people who follow religion are just human beings..My religion is to say sorry when I make mistakes. My religion is to get scared when doing religion is to fall and get up and to fall again without having any religion is to religion is to religion is find myself - which is believe me the most difficult thing to do for me..
I want you guys to decide what religion is when you grow up. read books, listen to elders, but find it out yourself. You might as well come up with something really weird and fail at it..but you will own it for proud of it..I am..
I always want you guys to remember this song-